Load a Saved List

To load the list, you need to reverse everything you did to save it. But first, you need to check if there’s anything to load. You do this by checking if the key you used to store the list doesn’t have a null value. ‘Null’ is just another word for ‘empty’, or ‘nothing’.

Create a loadList function and have it:

  • Check if the toDos key exists in local storage
  • If it does, load it into a variable as an array
  • Loop over the array, and use newToDoItem to create new to-do items for everything in it
function loadList() {
    if (localStorage.getItem("toDos") != null) {
        var toDos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("toDos"));

        for (var i = 0; i < toDos.length; i++) {
            var toDo = toDos[i];
            newToDoItem(toDo.task, toDo.completed);

Call the loadList function after you’ve created it.


Challenge: example to-do items

See if you can make the loadList function create some example to-do items if there aren’t any saved.