Carbon Footprint Calculator

List Questions and Answers

First, we want to ask the user some questions, and provide them with the possible answers that will allow us to measure their carbon footprint.

  • Open the starter project at
  • On the left is your code window, on the right is the result of your code. You can click the “Run” button to run your code. You’ll notice that the first 2 lines have already been written for you.
  • The first line tells us to use version 3 of Python, the second gets the data for our carbon calculator.
  • Our data consists of a series of questions, with each of the answers given a value for how much carbon we’re using.
  • Let’s start by listing out all the questions. To do this, we’ll write a ‘for’ loop that will give us each of the questions in turn.
  • We want to write out each question. To do this, we’ll use the ‘print’ command.
  • The questions are already in the tab so we don’t need to write them out.
  • Run your program using the ‘Run’ button. In your Result window, you should see a list of questions.
  • For each question, we want to list out the answers. Add a second loop that outputs all the possible answers to the question.
  • We want to number our answers to give the user something easy to type in. First, we need to set an initial value for our number.
  • When programming we often use the letter ‘i’ to indicate
  • Next, we need to increase the value of ‘i’ every time we go around our answer for loop.
  • Now we can add this to the text of our answer.
  • Run your program. You should now get all of the questions with numbered answers.