Walk Left
Currently, Avery can only walk to the right? Can you make her walk to the left. You’ll want to make sure she’s facing the direction she’s walking in.
Other appliances
What other appliances do you have in your home?
Research how much wattage they use and add them to Avery’s house. What else do you need to change to help Avery turn everything off as quickly as possible?
Your school
Can you create the same game for your school?
What appliance do you have in the school that should be turned off? What do you need to change in your code if there is more than one computerW or tv in your school?
More efficient appliances
Can you make the game easier by making the appliances more efficient.
Research the power usage of different appliances and to find more efficient alternatives to the existing laptop, lamp, and TV.
You might also want to adjust the maximum power usage to make the game more challenging.
Advanced Challenge:
At the moment, the appliances disappear as soon as they hit the edge, and don’t appear until they’re no longer touching the edge. This means that the sprites are disappearing when they should be on screen.
Can you change the code so that the appliances don’t disappear until they’re almost completely off the screen?
Hint: You’ll need to check if the x position of the sprite is less than a certain value or if the x position of the sprite is greater than a certain value.
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