Smoother Animation
The growth of your bushes is currently not very smooth, can you make the animation smoother?
Hint: You will need more loops, more frequently, with smaller changes to make your animation
More Randomness!
The position of the fire is random, but the number of direction changes and the time taken in
each direction change is still predictable. Can you make these numbers vary randomly as well?
Hint: You will need to use the “pick random” block.
Putting out our fire
At the moment the fire randomly goes out, but often fires only go out with lots of rain or help
from the Fire Service. Can you add another sprite, either rain or a fire truck, to help put out the
Maybe this fire is put out by a fire service plane that drops water!
Advanced Challenge: Multiplying Fire
Real fire doesn’t just move unpredictably, it also grows when it consumes more bush in certain
conditions. Can you modify your code to create clones of the fire as it consumes more bush?
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