In this project you’ll be learning JavaScript, one of the world’s most popular programing languages. You probably use things built with JavaScript every day, because it is used in every major website, including YouTube, Instagram, Google, and Faceboook. JavaScript also part of many mobile apps and games!
What you will make
You will make this colour guessing game! In the game, the player gets to see six different colours and one set of RGB (red, green, blue) values and has to guess which colour matches these RGB values.
Click on a colour to guess, then click on the Reset button to change the colours and start a new game!
What you will learn
This project covers elements from the following strands of the Raspberry Pi Digital Making Curriculum:
Additional information for educators
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Use the link in the footer to access the GitHub repository for this project, which contains all resources (including an example finished project) in the ‘en/resources’ folder.