Ready for 2016/17 School Year!
I hope all our dojo’ers had a relaxing and enjoyable summer! The school season is just starting and we’re delighted to announce that our home for the past few years will remain the same…..Fergal McCarthy and the Kinsale Community School have graciously offered to support our Kinsale Coderdojo once again, and we’re raring to get going soon! Please say thank you to any of the Kinsale Community School staff that you bump into!
Our current plans have us kicking off our first Autumn 2016 Kinsale Coderdojo evening on Thursday September 22nd. We will host a planning meeting on Thu Sep 15th for parents/guardians/mentors who are looking to support our Kinsale Coderdojo with active support this coming year.
If you want to be included in the planning meeting, please contact Des Walsh through our dojo email address:
We’re looking forward to another exciting and fun Coderdojo year in Kinsale!
Regards, Jim/Nick/Des